Vision and Mission

Mission Statement

“Spreading the love of God and meeting human needs”

Vision Statement

  • To provide physical, emotional and spiritual help through practical, positive programs at the point of crisis and to develop skills and potential which will enable people to become self-reliant.
  • For the staff to service clients in a caring, personalized, respectful, and confidential way, protective of their rights, and with the least possible interference.
  • To provide services which will be responsive, accessible, and culturally appropriate to clients.
  • Where the Mission has care of people, to provide services which will help them to achieve their development potential example; vocational and agricultural skills, literacy, employment, and spiritual counselling.
  • That the purpose for which the Mission was established was to assist churches to minister in practical and positive ways to alleviate the suffering of the poor, dispel hopelessness and to bring wholeness, peace, joy and acceptance to the lives of  those that come to us for assistance.
  1. Key Objectives

The overriding objectives of the City Mission are:

  • To provide rehabilitation services.
  • To provide preventive services.
  • To provide crisis and long term accommodation for men, women and children.
  • To provide Counselling Services, a Woman’s Refuge and Child Abuse Centre.
  • To provide food and clothing
  • To provide vocational / agricultural skills & basic literacy training.
  • To assist in finding employment.
  • To provide basic medical assistance.
  • To provide instruction in hygiene and other living skills.
  • To teach and instill Christian principals.

Do you want to help spread the love and God and meet human needs? Contact us to find out how to work with us, volunteer or donate. Our 2023 Bank details are: BANK ACCOUNT NAME: City Mission PNG BANK: KINA BANK :ACCOUNT NUMBER:0011741695 BANK BSB: 028-038 SWIFT CODE: KINIPGPG