Meeting Human Needs

Meeting human needs is a mandate of City Mission. The Bible asks a serious question. “If a friend is without clothing and in need of the day’s food, And one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warm and full of food; but you do not give them the things of which their bodies have need, what profit is there in this?” (James 2:15-16 The Bible in Basic English)

The Christian mandate is to minister holistically to people – this means body, soul and spirit.  This mandate requires us to address the moral, social and physical issues of the people around us as best we can. City Mission has developed programs and facilities to meet human needs in Papua New Guinea:

Get young men off the street and out of gangs, crime, violence drugs and alcohol.  

We do this by providing a 14-month residential program called New Life Skills Training Centres (NLSTCS). Street boys from the age of 16-25 are screened and accepted into the program.  Typically we accept the most desperate and  – many times – the worst as far as life experience goes.

The average young man coming to City Mission has little or no education, comes from a broken home and has been in trouble with the law.  NLSTC provide basic life skills such as health, sex education, literacy and vocational training.  We provide these life-changing programs in the framework of Spiritual development.  We believe the best chance these young men have to change their lives and become productive citizens is to make a vital connection with God.

Providing support to  survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Statistically we are told that about 70% of women and girls in Papua New Guinea have experienced some form of domestic or sexual abuse.  The estimates rise to over 90% in some areas of the country.  Needless to say, GBV is a national issue that is not going away any time soon.  Until recently very little was being done to address this issue or minister to these needs.  Even today many organizations are doing advocacy and raising awareness of the issue, but few are actually meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the survivors.

In 2003 City Mission took the forefront in the nation by opening the first – and still the only – long-term women’s shelter to provide hope and services to survivors of GBV.

Haus Ruth in Port Moresby provides secure accommodations, counselling, emergency medical attention, social services and support for these women and their young children.

Protecting at-risk children – our nation’s most precious commodity

Many issues contribute the issue of at-risk children, including: a high death rate for mothers, domestic abuse, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other diseases and of course abandonment because of poverty.

In 2015 it was estimated that there were over 3000 children living on the streets of Port Moresby. City Mission joined with the government, World Vision and Child Fund to create the first government-certified Children’s Crisis Centre in the country. At that time no one else in the country had any experience with residential programs or had the facilities, for that matter.  Once again City Mission took the lead in meeting this urgent human need.

We provide loving and secure, short-term housing for orphaned, abandoned or abused children.  We also offer age-appropriate education and learning experiences, along with all the love they can handle.  W also work with the police and proper authorities to place children back with their families or into foster care homes.

Encouraging Spiritual Development

As mentioned earlier we believe the best chance people have of truly changing their lives for the better involves a spiritual relationship with God. City Mission was founded – and remains without apology – a non-denominational Christian organization.  We provide opportunities for spiritual growth through discipleship, church services, Bible studies, pastoral counseling and opportunities for serving God. Our residential clients are required to attend Sunday Church Services, but are not required to convert to our beliefs.  We respect the right of each person to seek God as they understand Him.

Do you want to help spread the love and God and meet human needs? Contact us to find out how to work with us, volunteer or donate. Our 2023 Bank details are: BANK ACCOUNT NAME: City Mission PNG BANK: KINA BANK :ACCOUNT NUMBER:0011741695 BANK BSB: 028-038 SWIFT CODE: KINIPGPG