Children in Crisis

Since 2003 City MIssion has been meeting the needs of abused women and their young children.  Those needs include: shelter, emergency medical care, counselling and social services assistance. Haus Ruth (named for founder Larry George’s wife Ruth) was opened in 2003.  Later, City Mission opened Haus Clare in Lae to support children whose parents have been impacted by HIV/AIDS.

In 2015 City Mission teamed up with World Vision, Childfund and the PNG government to open the first government-certified, Children’s Crisis Center in the country.  Haus Ruth, which had included a women’s hostel, was repurposed as the combined GBV women’s shelter and children’s crisis centre.

Do you want to help spread the love and God and meet human needs? Contact us to find out how to work with us, volunteer or donate. Our 2023 Bank details are: BANK ACCOUNT NAME: City Mission PNG BANK: KINA BANK :ACCOUNT NUMBER:0011741695 BANK BSB: 028-038 SWIFT CODE: KINIPGPG