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The Lae Story

City Mission PNG expanded operations to the city of  Lae in January 2006. This was the obvious place for us to grow as Lae is the second most populated city in PNG, with an escalating law and order problem.  We purchased Suambu Plantation as a base from which to launch the City Mission program. Since that time we have expanded our ministries to include:

Suambu Plantation – a 150 acre fruit plantation that is home to New Life Skills Training Centre and New Life Foursquare Church.

Haus Clare – A home for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS or who have otherwise been abandoned or abused.

Meri Seif Haus – Located at notorious Two-Mile, Meri Seif Haus provides one or 2 days accommodations for women and their children escaping the possibility of domestic abuse.

Do you want to help spread the love and God and meet human needs? Contact us to find out how to work with us, volunteer or donate. Our 2023 Bank details are: BANK ACCOUNT NAME: City Mission PNG BANK: KINA BANK :ACCOUNT NUMBER:0011741695 BANK BSB: 028-038 SWIFT CODE: KINIPGPG